
Showing posts from July, 2011

Muse Watson

Made a comment about Former Senator Chris Dodd on his Facebook and I replied that there are some things Mr. Dodd has done that were good for our state (his home state of CT)  Mr. Watson made what I consider a biting comment back at me and I really don't think it was necessary.  He basically accused Senator Dodd of Graft Corruption and a few other things.  That Senator Dodd paid me to vote for him.  Mr. Watson doesn't know me and for him to make insinuations and what not on what my character was is just plain mean.  He doesn't know me any more than I know of him.  IF he was trying his best Mike Franks portrayal that would be a good way for him to lose "his followers".  I am not saying he doesn't have a right to express opinions of his but don't take swings or pot shots at those who don't agree. When Celebrities get into altercations or heated debates or fights if you will on line it does nothing for them.  For example I clearly remember bein...

Things are still changing on CBS Forum

Now the reply button has returned to the top of the page.  Still ahve to use the quote button too.  Can't seem to start another thread.

mini marathon tonight

There is a mini-marathon tonight on USA its entitled "Missing Person's" and it is taking episodes from all seven seasons.  Maybe even the 8th I haven't really seen the list.  It starts at 6 pm.


Still can't post to CBS Forum for NCIS.  Did post to land of NCIS at proboards. LIvejournal still acting weird on some of their blogs.  having a hard time logging into my secondary blog (the one for NCIS)

CBS NCIS forum

this thread has caused someone to defend her recent actions She felt vilified and asked that she not be quoted.  Little girl you need to grow up...the others are right when they say if you actually would verbally abuse Glasberg because you thought he screwed up.  You not only would be arrested for verbal and terrorist abuse you would be listed on a stalker's list.

Tonight's Mini Marathon

Was from the 7th SEason....Including Truth or Consequences. 

Viewer Alert

The Insider TV program had a back story on NCIS last night you can find it here