The Hatred for the Actress Cote DePablo is growing worse

migod...I am so disgusted with the BS at the IMDB board for NCIS.  Case in point:this entire thread for weeks now its because of an article that she implied there is trouble on the set between the cast.  Hey assholes?  Do you ALWAYS get along with your co-workers?  Even the Best working conditions have problems.  

Lil old desertdude now has personally attacked me and I responded in kind.  I am so sick and tired of this bs.  They are the most judgemental fucking assholes.  

Oh thank you for showing me the way oh great one..
I have seen the error my ways...

I hope one day if you are still working now get fired for something you may have or may not have done based on photographs I hope your family turns their back on you. I hope your reputation is so mucked up no one will want to be around you.

I am sure as I stand here that the cast and crew are not in a vacuum and are most certainly aware of what is being said in the forums.  i would love it if Mark Harmon would come out and speak out against this shit.  The hurtful slanderous things these people say.  I don’t always like the way the actors behave but I am in no way shape or form perfect.  They have a responsibility to the show and to themselves to behave in appropriate manner but I am not going to continually call for their dismissal.  If that were the case I would have sent a letter demanding the PP be fired for her behavior on twitter last year.


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