The holidays have brought out the trolls again on the IMDB board. People have been interacting with the latest one and doing okay but I think they are done with it. I am not interested in interacting with people who come on the boards and say things that are inflammatory and become abusive. There have been some “Blind items” that really seem very cruel about a prank that was played on someone from NCIS and you can read about it here. I expressed my concern and hopes that NO one on either cast would perpetuate any kind of prank like this. Discussions about the newest episodes including the 200 th episode are continuing on many of the venues I frequent. Some are receptive for clips and some are not. Some are questioning the once again use of the Kelly and Shannon stuff.
Ah well Kate. I tend to keep away from certain sites these days. Some are not pleasant to visit anymore. Chin up.
Hey Linda. Thank you for your comment. They have since banned me from commenting so I removed my self from the ommunity. I don't believe I was rude to either of them but I am not wasting my time with them. I do now a few of my friends connected through the fandom view and are members so they know me and when I speak up on things.