Thanksgiving Weekend

I really loved the Thanksgiving Day marathon it was awesome.  I got to see some of it before the family arrived and I saw the last one before the holiday weekend started.  There is one tomorrow starting at 9 AM.  I think it lasts until 11 tomorrow night.  I will be a happy camper.

Next week’s CBS airing is a repeat so I won’t be watching it-I might don’t know yet.   I finally got to watch last weeks episode there was some buffering and stalling but I just muddled through it.  I have to retract my original “review” from Tuesday.  I did find the initial interrogation a little spooky as I could imagine that kind of discussion going on in RL.

I am really enjoying the ignore feature on two of the forums I visit.  Between the spammers for various things plus a few people who are insisting on being obnoxious know-it-alls it’s getting much more enjoyable.

There are a few more stories written in the fandom.  I haven’t had a chance to read them but you can probably find them here and at My Friends.  I will try and look them over later in between the 19 hour marathon.

I am looking through the latest Google alerts for NCIS both overall and the show.  As always some are not of the show and its cast but a culmination of the name.  OF course there are some that are actually about the cast and the show.  It just takes some time to sift through them all.


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