Hey all!  I think I am going through with NCIS withdrawals.  Any time the show isn’t on I get bored.  There are a bunch of movies that I could be watching but don’t want to because I have seen them so much.  The same could be said about NCIS. 
So I have been trying to move some Google alerts around and some were about Mark, Cote, and the show.  I only read one this time for Mark and I even followed the link.  To this site it seemed to be a collection of things related to Mark.

The birthday greetings continue to be posted at the Facebook page for Cote.  Some have been very nice and there is one that basically is crude.  Then there are several “Love the show”.  Yeah we get that or you wouldn’t be posting to the Facebook page.

There have been a couple of fanfiction.net stories that were updated in the NCIS arena.  This one is excellent.  I have been following it for a long time and it seems like there were long periods of time that it wasn’t updated.  This one however really I mean really needs a re-tooling and fast.  It made no sense to me what so ever and even USAFChief who I have seen in the forums even said something.  IF he hadn’t I would have.  I really don’t like it when the stories are not well thought out and make no sense to me.  They write it just to get it published and god forbid if you say anything negative about it. 

Oh viewers alert.  USA is airing RAW an hour earlier than normal.  So there won’t be an 8 NCIS but I believe USA is going to start the back to back to back at 5 pm.

Speaking of the NCIS people are already commenting on the fact that during the entire time Gibbs is on site he isn’t wearing a helmet like Ziva is.  Now they are claiming that NCIS has lost all credibility.  It is the same argument over and over…that seems to permeate through a few forums.    The debate about what the actual NCIS does or does not do was being rehashed continuously at the CBS forum this week and I swore I wouldn’t mention it.  I just want to watch it that’s all.  Besides I don’t think the actual agency would want their “secrets” to be told on the TV anyway.


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