Season 12 starts in 9 minutes

I am sitting here watching the last nine minutes of ET.  I missed the segment on NOLA that follows the mothership at 9 pm.  I did catch a few interviews that Mark Harmon has  done in the last couple of days.  THere are more next week.  The last two  interviews were pretty good.  I think I missed Extra tonight.

Even though I didn’t write much for NCIS and its fandom this summer I have been actively posting at various sites.  The forums and messages were discussion the upcoming season, the postseason discussions were very positive despite the fact that some circles continued to inflame the whole Ziva/Cote De Pablo debacle.  

Fans shared their close encounters of the stars when they went to OK for the annual Mark Harmon Celebrity Weekend, and one on ones with the cast.

okay here its...Opens in Moscow Russia.  Wow this is opening credits (will have to check them out later tonight)..

The men of NCIS are live tweeting duirng the show....been replying to them myself.  I hope they feel like answering.  A couple of people re-tweeted some of my stuff.

Awesome episode.  Connection to Ari in the guy who was shot but disappeared.


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