Good morning every one! Yes I am still around. I needed to take a break from writing in the NCIS world.
I didn’t like the second half of Season 9 and I wasn’t real thrilled with the fandom as a whole. Oh I participated on the various sites that I belonged to but and I remained respectful and all but there were things that needed to be said and I couldn’t do it then and probably shouldn’t do it now.
Anyway, First thing I should probably let you know reme mber when I wrote back in April that Michael Weatherly announced the baby’s name and who the godfather was going to be? Well it turned out it was an April Fools Joke. I have to be honest that really wasn’t cool. I felt I was being manipulated and no fan should go through that. Also false information like that could cause pandemonium. It is also known as rumors and I have seen what it could do. Whether it was about good thing or not but it did teach me one thing. It is also one of Gibb’s Rules. “Don’t believe everything and verify. So it’s a good thing I learned some thing.
As the season was winding down it seeme d there were more fights and argume nts about stuff. I also found it hard to read that fans were demanding that the writers do what the fans want or they will be sorry. Excuse me ? That is so childish and obnoxious it is ridiculous. I certainly didn’t like the way some of the characters were written but that doesn’t give me the right to make threats or demands on people who get paid more money than me to write stuff to my specifications.
I also didn’t like some of the cast me mbers feeding into the season finale frenzy during the whole contract negotiations. One in particular cast mate who was also going through some really personal stuff. She (yeah I am sure you know who I am referring to) was posting stuff that was too much of drama queen. Hello if you have a stalker you don’t freaking post where you are going for a vacation. The tweets in particular caused much consternation among the shows fans. I don’t think it was particular fun or exciting.
During the whole contract “season” people were speculating as to who was going, staying and some of them acted as though they know for sure that what this me ant for the character, the actor, or the show. Again to me it was the attitudes and it really was tiresome .
Happily everyone has recently signed. Thanks for the added stress guys could have done with out it. Good news for all you Brian Dietzen/Palme r fans he has finally been raised to opening credit status. You should have seen the discussion about that!
This summe r has seen many icons leave us and some are sadder than others. Here is one you might reme mber Sherman Hemsley.
But back to the original point of this entry will things ever change? No. I guess its pick and choose the battles. I would be saddened if another fandom that I enjoyed were turned into some thing that only had bad me mories for many.
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