Going on in the Fandom
As most of you know for the last few years I have been following actor Muse Watson
on the social media sites. Especially after he appeared as Gibbs’ Boss
in the 3rd season two part season finale of NCIS. As usual you find
out he has been in a hundred films and TV series of one genre or
another. I am beginning to re-evaluate that decision.
time went I noticed how he would behave on the two sites he has been
on. I approved his campaign to remove all the false Mark Harmon
accounts but then he would make comments about things and would attack
others for their views. I know I may have talked about the time he made
a comment about CT Senator Chris Murphy and I defended Senator Murphy
and he came up with some snotty ass remark. I was livid. He has no
BUSINESS to make derogatory remarks about people he doesn’t know. Most
recently a few people commented to him they didn’t like the character of
Mike franks and they were respectful. He acted as though they
slandered and personally attacked the man. He literally removed their
comments from his time line. More and more are sharing moments they have read where they have decided they don’t like him or his character.
I said in the above linked thread that perhaps it is time for MH to
re-evaluate his terminology of Friendship and to re-evaluate his
relationship with Mr. W before it blows up in his face. One woman made
the point they may not be friends only working and that MH isn’t
responsible for MW. He may not be responsible for MW but he could be
considered guilty by association. Some other dimwit insinuated that I
was daft for thinking that. That person has since apologized
Bring Back Cote is still going on some areas. They would get quiet and
then when some thing they hear or see or read they continue with it. I
have decided not to feed into it any further. The cast had a farewell
party for her last week or so. They are going to be one disappointed
faction. I just wish they would stop speaking for the ENTIRE fandom.
month from today Season 11 begins. I am hoping they will do press
tours and I fervently hope that Mark will say something If he doesn’t I
can live with that too. What can I expect from this season? The cast
and crew working hard at bringing the product to fruition week after
week. I can pretty much expect conflicting views on the said product.
haven’t seen the new USA line up yet. There are changes for that and I
am really nervous. I have a feeling it will be a reduction of NCIS and
more other stuff.
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