
Showing posts from November, 2013

There was an article

Discussing the Japanese Marathons and there was   One of the comments annoyed me but I also knew it was a  matter of time before someone would insinuate or speculate and out and out accuse Mark Harmon of being behind the women of the show leaving.  I sent the snippet to both BJ and Joni.  I heard from joni she was astounded.  All I know is I am not going to feed into the anger of those who claim to be fans and want to spew their anger on anyone near by. This weekend is the two day NCIS Marathon.  I will have to miss some of it or all of it as I will be doing various activities.  Don’t forget Mark Harmon will be on Craig Ferguson on Monday. The next new episode is on in December.

Response to Elle Bishop

The response to newest member NSA liaison Ellie Bishop was mostly favorable in the circles I am in. Of course it met with mixed on Facebook.  Happily there are more and more people saying get over it.  I swear some people are five year olds.  As I expected the person I mentioned about getting banned from LON was officially banned until the first of the year.  If she does again then she is permanently banned.  I did enjoy it and several times Kate Todd was referenced.  I do have to say MS Emily does remind me of Hudson Leick (Callisto in the Herkdom) she also reminds me of Tracy Pollan.   The next episode is in two weeks I believe.  I believe that one has Diane Gibbs Fornell whom ever she married before (and is apparently now history) and Fornell’s Daughter Emily we met in Season 4.2 “Escaped” episode and she is beautiful 14 year old red-head.  I know of only one person so far who does not want to see this one (among all t...

Tonight we meet Ellie Bishop

In about 13 hours 20 minutes we will be introduced to Ellie Bishop played by Soprano’s alum Emily  Wickersham.  Do I have to tell you the rabid fans are not even liking her already based on the promos that came out?  Happily for everyone who sounds like a freaking 4 year old (and I even had to ask someone on the Facebook page for the show how old they were) there was a sane person saying “move on”. These people invade every freaking thread with “Ziva is the holy grail of characters”.  As it is there was one poster both on the NCIS fan wiki and the Land of NCIS who keeps insisting that the show is not the same and the show is going down hill has already been banned from the sites.  I know for sure she was banned from one and is dangerously close to getting thrown off LON. It needs to stop.  First of all you ever hear of “dead horse”?  It ain’t getting up and it is heading for the glue factory.  This also goes for anyone who doesn’t like the sh...

Are You Kidding Me?

Are you kidding me? I was reading some of the ncis blogs when I came across this one from six days ago.  What I have  linked is the writer’s response to another comment.  I was absolutely floored and shared it at the IMDB site.  Maybe I am missing something…                         twilight08                 Reply                                      To Mark Harman, Gary Glasberg, and the CBS Studio, it’s sad to see that the new character of Eleanor Bishop will be played by a white actress instead of adding someone male or female of color…black, asian, native american, and latino. You’re solving crimes incurred in a diverse Armed Service of the ...

In the NCIS World

In Just ten hours is the Veterans Day Episode of NCIS.  I like it because who can not like Jack?  I expect the ratings for this to match the last two episodes as well.  They always seem to increase with DVR numbers.  Despite the clamor of CDP fans saying they are dropping.  If they drop out of the top ten then I will worry.  Many people are insistent that the ratings drop is because CDP is gone.   ATTENTION FANS:  Cote has left the building.     Many thanks to HarrietNCIS the fan liaison for keeping us posted on cast appearances and upcoming episodes.  I was able to catch the Entertainment News programs and of course the interviews.  Michael Weatherly dons a great alligator suit..  The cast also recently did an international (out of LA I guess) press tour.  Many seemed to think they looked lonely up there.  i didn’t see it but  then again I wasn’t really looking. Some articles recently cam...