This Week in NCIS Fandom A rant
I was really apprehensive about watching Tuesday’s episode of the show. This and the subsequent episodes could make or break ncis in fans for this and next year. I know that almost every week there will be mixed reactions to the episodes. I remember when I wrote in August last year that I wasn’t particularly happy with the last half of season 9. There was one email from a thread on the yahoo group that really annoyed the hell out of me. it was responding to two previous why they watch it and this is what “Vicky” writes: I do feel it would be morally irresponsible for me to not speak up when the show chooses to employ an abusive story line as entertainment. The problematic message Ziva's ongoing treatment of Tony sends is extremely worrisome. To not speak out is to give credence to it. Love should never hurt and one strike, one hurtful word, one purposefully cruel act intended to cause harm is one too many. While I love Tony!Whump as much...