
Showing posts from April, 2013

This Week in NCIS Fandom A rant

I was really apprehensive about watching Tuesday’s episode of the show.  This and the subsequent episodes could make or break ncis in fans for this and next year.  I know that almost every week there will be mixed reactions to the episodes.  I remember when I wrote in August last year that I wasn’t particularly happy with the last half of season 9.   There was one email from a thread on the yahoo group that really annoyed the hell out of me.  it was responding to two previous why they watch it and this is what “Vicky” writes: I do feel it would be morally irresponsible for me to not speak up when the show chooses to employ an abusive story line as entertainment. The problematic message Ziva's ongoing treatment of Tony sends is extremely worrisome. To not speak out is to give credence to it. Love should never hurt and one strike, one hurtful word, one purposefully cruel act intended to cause harm is one too many. While I love Tony!Whump as much...

This Week in NCIS World

Well hello my friends how are you doing?  I wasn’t overly impressed with this week’s episode but I was surprised by its ending.  Of course the reviews from various arenas are the same.  Some liked it some didn’t. Shortly after this episode aired Michael Weatherly was interviewed by a blog site and he posted to his twitter feed and he gave his views rather forcefully (dropped the F-Bomb a couple of times.  Some were disappointed in his choice of words others were fine with it.  Some criticized others for posting their disapproval.  That’s their right.  I wrote my views on this thread . However, by the end of this weekend after hearing “he is expressing his opinion and” and basically being dismissed for our own views I responded   here .   I did offer some support to Michael Weatherly on his twitter page.  Whether or not he sees or cares about it is totally different. Basically I wrote that celebrities should not b...

Viewer alert promotion message from Harriet

In support of tonight's new episode of NCIS tune-in to the following: (check the Internet for coverage and your local TV listings for times in your area) 8:45 AM PT --- KTLA MORNING NEWS - Cote de Pablo is a guest 10:30 AM PT --- - Cote de Pablo hosts a live chat with fans 7:00 PM PT --- ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT - interviews from set 7:00 PM PT --- EXTRA - part of Cote de Pablo's in-person interview from the Grove Best, Harriet Ah Harriet Sweetie?  Cote wasn't on the TV segment it was online.  I k now it was a mistake but really.  This kind of in formation is misleading and fr u s trating for people.

Viewer alert

Per Harriet today: Please note the following change: 05/11/13 CBS 220 You Better Watch Out OAD: 12/18/12 (OTO - Sat 8:00- 9:00PM) Best, Harriet
NCIS Season 10 Episode 22 Revenge Photos

This Week in NCIS World

It was only a matter of time before someone started holding Mark Harmon responsible for the writers making a mess of the characters.  Another poster feels that he is just going through the motions and doesn’t want to be there.  If he didn’t want to be there he would not have signed for another year!  However, I can understand their viewing that way.  I used to think a couple of actors on different shows had the personality of a rock until I got used to the show in question.  Anyway I am waiting for Mark to speak out to all the critics and fans concerns.  I did like lonewolfbengy’ s reply: I was quite shocked but not really surprised by this announcement earlier this week. To be honest I stopped going there a while back because I just didn’t like the attitude of the administrator and some of the posters.  I didn’t understand why you would have a forum if you didn’t like the show.  As usual members are begging it to remain open. This week’s ep...

Major changes in the schedule

Please note the following changes: 04/16/13 CBS 215 Lost at Sea OAD: 10/23/12 (OTO - Tue 9:00-10:00PM) 05/11/13 CBS 225 Canary OAD: 02/05/13 (OTO - Sat 8:00- 9:00PM) Best, Harriet

This Week in NCIS World

Wow last week’s episode sparked off controversy.   Many fans and viewers (at least on line) were angry and disgusted with the episode and how SFA DiNozzo was written.   I wasn’t blown away by the episode myself but I enjoyed other parts.   The remaining episodes have many denouncing the show and the writers.   Some are claiming not to return as viewers and have said it has jumped the shark now that it has been announced that Muse Watson’s character Mike Franks is returning.   The whole “if you don’t like don’t watch debate continues.   Unfortunately I happen to agree with the “don’t like don’t watch” faction.   I don’t care if you liked it once and want it to return to your specifications.   If the cast likes what is happening then why would you want to make them unhappy-again? AT the same time I do wonder if the cast and crew really do listen and realize that the path they chose to take could make their show a laughing stock.   ...

This Week in NCIS World

Well hello fellow NCIS fans!  I hope you are enjoying this wonderful week.  Its been pretty chilly around here and hope it is comfortable for you where ever you are. There were no new episodes this past week but we revisited “Hit and Run” from January.  I didn’t like it as much this time around.  It could be because I was tired or not feeling well.  I saw previews for next week.  It looks interesting and is generating lots of discussions on a few forums.  I can’t believe that season ten is nearly ending in three weeks.  The marathons ranged from season 1 to season 4 on Wednesday.  A couple of the marathons started later on in the day this week to make room for movies mostly and of course the spring shows that were ending for the  season (at least I think).  I didn’t really want to watch most of the season 9 episodes because they were not that great.  I remember when I wrote last August that the second have of season nine wa...

Updates to Viewing Schedule per HarrietNCIS

Please note the following additions: 05/28/13 CBS 224 Hereafter OAD: 02/19/13 06/04/13 CBS 218 Gone OAD: 11/27/12