
Showing posts from September, 2011


take a look at Diane Kane's post   my response is the 29th entry.  I can't believe how some people think they can say what ever the hell they want.  I sent a PM to someone on IMDB today who admittedly replied more than rudely to someone's post about why they don't like a particular character's traits (the weight loss) and their answer was priceless.

NCIS Tuesday september 27, 2011

Fans got a couple of tweets from PP and BD they would be doing a couple of interviews today.  BD on KCAL and the rest of the cast would be appearing on ET. 7:40 LLCoolJ is TV's Hottest Hunk.  The segment on ET included how he met Simone his wife of 23 years.  THey also had clips from tonight's episode. As of 7:41 pm they hadn't gotten to NCIS instead they did a segment on Tony Hawks and his career and what he is currently involved  doing - NOthing I was interested in. WTF? I couldn't believe what was next! More from the Michael Jackson trial that is going on and the Hollywood Wives Show..Big freaking deal.  It was stupid to me.  I had figured that the segment would be "closing the show out with it".  I was not disappointed to know I was wrong. The segment itself was quick.  MH the prankster that he is known to be was giving Nancy O'Dell a playful hard time by staring at her as she is trying to do the intro of the segment.  T...

Things I have noticed

I couldn’t sleep so I decided to get up and surf the net.   I checked out a few of the forums and one of the discussion threads I started Friday night had a few responses.   It was the one about Center Stage.   It would seem not everyone saw it but those who did thought it was good.   Some even provided a transcript of the hit and run segment.   It was on again late yesterday evening and Mom caught it. A couple of other movies of Mark Harmon’s was on and that was Freaky Friday (on of course Friday night).   I caught the tail end where Ryan and the Mom were getting married.   Yesterday was Wyatt Earp.   I am still trying to figure out when Mark’s character was introduced.   Each time I have it on it’s at the point where his character is serving “Wyatt Earp” with a warrant.   Today is an NCIS marathon entitled “Cyber Crimes Marathon ”.   I am not sure the episodes are that will be used but will check them out later.   It would ...
1) There was an article posted for a website indicating the premiere date for Certain Prey.  Its November 6.  2) Pauley Perrett will be on Leno on Monday (going to skip that) 3) The CenterStage Program was on at 7:30 due to Rain delay game.  It is supposed to be on again at 11 pm. 4) There was an article this week on Cote in YA 5) NCIS was mentioned on The Insider as one of the hits of the Season Premiere week. 6) NCIS marathon on Sunday.  Cyber World Crimes. 7) Tonight's extended marathon is on until midnight.  The episode airing is Capitol offense

Certain Prey

This was on CBS forum tonight.  I really want to reacquaint myself with the vcrs in this house.  I don't know if we subscribed to DVR or not on our cable system.

My First OT post

This is my first OT post for my NCIS blog.   I just realizing the entertainment world has many things going on right now.   They lost two Icons’ of old Hollywood.   Cliff Robertson was remembered last week as good family man.   Mr. Robertson died on September 10, 2011 one day after his 88 th birthday.   The Cause of Death has not be released. Delores Hope the widow of the Late Comedian Bob Hope Died this week she was 102.   She was an entertainer in her own right often appearing on Bob Hope’s TV Specials.   She did retire early on but she seemed like she was a great lady. One of Daytime’s most popular soap opera is ending tomorrow.   ABC’s All My Children will air its final episode at 1 pm.   For the past few days both ABC and its sister Station Soapnet have been airing past episodes (from the day it started).   It isn’t going to fade completely away it will be found on the internet.   My guess is on   ...

The Day after

Well I saw the episode this morning.  Well as much as I could while trying to get ready for work.  I have come to the conclusion that I can never watch the episodes on line this season.  Watching it from my computer at home was difficult.  It seemed stilted like it was not flowing smoothly.  I can see some videos better than this.  I don’t know if it is the signal strength or what ever it is that allows you to see videos but this was painful.  IMDB doesn’t have the videos for the show anymore.  The other alternative is to video tape it.  We don’t use the DVR (I think its an added expense). As I mentioned yesterday the reviews were mixed but seemed positive.  It seems as the excitement of a new episode wears off the criticism begins.  One poster at IMDB who has been a little more than negative lately has announced she will no longer be watching NCIS or coming to the forums to discuss the show.   I say good ri...
In one hour and 15 minutes season 9 will commence.  As usual my fears have been allayed (spellling?).  someone posted a TV guide video interview with Cote De Pablo.  It was very cute.  She talked about the comfort level she has working with Michael Weatherly, what her future might hold and what she would like to do for travel. Brian Dietzen and PP were both promoting tonight's episode on their twitter pages.
found this out this morning giddy This will definitely not make Palmer fans happy....but in another livejournal there were excerpts from GG about expectations and

Tonight's the night

Last Night was the triple play of Twilight and Kill Ari.   We said goodbye to Agent Todd and Hello to Jennie Shepherd and Ziva David.   I took a look at the schedule for the next month and it looks like for the most part that NCIS will be starting at 4 pm on USA and will be longer in some aspects.   Well at least until some of the new shows start up. Tonight is the season premiere of NCIS and I have to miss it.   There is a political debate in town and it starts at 8 pm.   I am hoping I can see it tonight.   I think with the new ISP I will be able to see videos better. I have not seen any promos for interviews on the CBS Early Show.   They were there (last year) in the form of Mark Harmon.   I am pretty sure ET and “Extra” will have it.   I did see that CBS Watch Magazine has another article/photo spread of Pauley Perrette.     Personally I don’t know if this bodes well for the show.   Is it possible there won’t be as many i...


I watched the NCIS Viewer’s Choice Marathon on USA .   Some of the episodes   included Alliyah, Reunion .   Before that they had the one (Silent Call) with Charles Durning on.   Then back to Yankee White.   I am not sure what the rest were because I went to bed around 100 Apparently another war has broken out at CBS forums to spur this thread on civility.   Apparently an actor (or one of the actors) said something that fans didn’t like.   Well that can happen and we should be able to say something (of course without attacking fellow forum members).   I asked Steve9973 about it.   After several PM messages I found out to do with this thread .   Apparently another poster took offense to how Cote mentions the work on “her show”.   The offended party feels its ego.   Others were trying to say that when Pauley tweets she says “her show” as well.   I told Steve that at some levels the stars do have to be careful of what they ...

Press Release for Ep 9.3 i

There was a press release for episode #3 (that’s the episode Lily Tomlin) is in and when I read it I knew it was going to be a concern for some viewers.   So far only one person has the CBS board.   I did mention it on the site for the show.   There were promotional shots (of scenes) and of course someone mentions SM’s weight.   Happily someone explained it to them for the umpteenth time.     I thanked one poster for informing the one poster who commented. Another issue I have is all the “when the series ends” discussions.   I realize it’s in its 9 th season and for all intensive purposes ten could be the end but for the last two or three years it’s been the same thing.   There is no clear indication the show is tanking (unless it’s the personal views of some viewers).   I always get the idea that if they (cast, crew, production etc) continue to read or hear of the fans discussing the show’s ending even before it comes they mig...

saw this today

Why NCIS doesn't get emmy nominations This article has been discussed on at least two forums I frequent.

There is a huge debate/discussion

Over the Youtube Video Q&A with Michael Weatherly (shocking!).  Some felt it was over the top and that he was over doing it some felt the opinions and views of the "opposition" were attacking and too much negativity. One week from Tomorrow night is the Season premieres of NCIS and NCIS:LA I am hoping we get the interviews soon.

catch up entries

ots seem to be going on location : United States, Connecticut, Milford mood : cheerful hey everyone I am back....didn't get to see NCIS this week but did manage to see NCIS:LA on Buffalo's CBS.  I even tried to watch Global but didn't have a lot of time. let's see what's happening: 1) A youtube video Q&A with Michael Weatherly has been posted and discussed on the various forums. 2) it seems Mike Franks will be returning next season (mixed feelings about that).  I am glad to see Muse Watson but not as a ghost.  I will have to see how they do this.  Make Mike's voice as his conscious or an apparition only he sees it. 3) There is more activity on the Certain Prey Board.  Still questioning the validity of MH portrayal..yet..holding judgement until it happens. 4) Two day Marathon on USA as part of the 9/11 tribute Tags: assumptions , cast , celebrites , characters , episodes , fandoms , fans , gibbs , guest stars , leroy j gibbs , marathons , mark harmon...

The On Location Marathon

The USA Network had "on location" marathon of NCIS today starting at the wee hour of 6 am.  It started off with episodes with Kate Todd played by the very talented Sasha Alexander...and half way through the morning it was episodes with Cote De Pablo.  The episodes ranged from season1 to season seven.  It included the two part Legend that introduced the LA branch. There was a promo for NCIS:LA as well. Apparently it will air another episode later on in the month.  I had gotten a sad feeling when I saw that this particular episode was going to be on the 28th at 7 pm.  Usually that is reserved for the mother ship.  I have watched NCIS:LA but prefer the mother ship.  I don't want to lose any hours of NCIS.  However, this may not be the case either.  They may have as the schedule one hour as they do for CSI.  I do see they are going to intergrate season 8 eps as well. I am wondering if I will get to see NCIS while in Canada...Don't know w...

Happy Labor Day Weekend

This past week Mark Harmon Celebrated his 60th Birthday and with a surprise luncheon on Thursday.  According to the Liasion Harriet M it was a beautiful and fun affair.  It was catered and had lots of good things to eat.  I am thinking they never have gawd awful stuff to eat for lunch anyway.  Muse Watson posted on his Facebook a shoutout to Mark Harmon on his birthday.  Apparently they spoke that day as well. The day of the party California especially in the area where NCIS is filmed they were hit with a 4.2 earthquake.  A few of the castmembers tweeted about it and Pauley filmed it and posted the video online. Tomorrow is an NCIS all day Marathon on USA.  I will be watching part of it while I get ready for my trip.