what's Going on?

Let’s see discussions continue regarding Tuesday’s episode of NCIS.  As usual mixed reviews some are even announcing it has jumped the shark.   I replied don’t like what you see-turn the flipping channel.   

The topic of Sean Murray’s Weight and his voice are getting ridiculous.  People are speculating the stupidest ideas about it.  Ranging from He broke up with his wife (????!!!!) to he is lying and everyone around him is lying.  One poster at IMDB was going to start a rumor that he was bulimic.  I really hope they don’t do that. 

Muse Watson is now on a campaign to report all Facebook pages that are phony Mark Harmon pages.  He understands there are ones that are honoring him but there were several that are claiming to be Mark Harmon.  I just reported the page myself.

I watched the Pauley Perrette interview on “The Talk”.  I have to agree it was too short it was mostly about her family, the AIDS walk LA this Sunday.

There was an article on Brian Dietzen discussing the season 9 story line of his character’s wedding.  What it is like to work on NCIS with Mark Harmon and working on NCIS overall.

Stills from Certain Prey are being posted in a few threads and they are awesome I am so looking forward to seeing this movie.  I am hoping we have more interviews with Mark soon.

Chris Wilman has tweeted about a few interviews he did recently with PP and MH and apparently they were not about NCIS at all.

Will be watching the NCIS Mini marathon tonight…as well as tomorrows.


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