The Emmy's
I tried to watch the Emmy’s on TV to see Mark Harmon but I didn't see him but I did seem on the live feed for the Emmy’s. He was signing something in the dark. I just have a little problem though. I sure as hell wouldn’t be tweeting while at the emmy’s. I would be focusing on the awards and my JOB. Of course Mark wasn’t tweeting so I wasn’t referring to him but in the videos I did see and what I saw on the TV everyone else was.
It is kind of fun being a “fly on the wall” so to speak. I just checked one of the forums and they said Mark hasn’t been on it yet except a clip from a montage at the beginning. That’s one of the reasons why I don’t watch these things. I let them know where you can see stuff and you might be able to see it again.
More articles about Mark Harmon and the season premiere of NCIS are showing up. They are probably re-hashing and re-writes of earlier articles. It is nice that its happening. My hope is we will see the cast show up on CBS shows or any other talk shows this week. Safe bet it will be on et or EXtra or the others near the ends of their broadcasts. Then again with CDP leaving I hope they give it full coverage.
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