Craig Ferguson

I was trying to watch Craig Ferguson from last night online…usually they have the full episodes on the site.  I don’t know what the hell I was watching but I was right it takes 40 minutes for them to get to the actual guest.  The show itself is 45 minutes.  I may have to wait until someone posts it to You Tube.  I guess it is on and there have been mixed reactions to it.

Oh my God.  I finally saw it and can tell you if I was in the audience I would have gotten up and walked out of there.  How Dare Craig Ferguson waste Mark Harmon and the audience’s time with the trivial garbage?

I also would like to ask people who visit the various sites (such as Facebook and any forum they like) to please stop fueling unfounded rumors by stating “I don’t or I hope Mark Harmon is not leaving the show”…um and please don’t tell me oh they are not familiar with the computer and internet.  This is fueling unfounded rumors and will cause stupidity.  Mark Harmon has not in any shape or form (to my knowledge) he was leaving the show.  In fact he has said the opposite.

 Several of the entertainment news programs will have a feature or two on NCIS.  Harriet listed them earlier this week but I can’t find them.  I will check the regular ones I watch before I sit and watch the episode. 


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