Happy NCIS Day for Februry 21, 2012

Happy NCIS Day everyone how are you?  I am doing fairly well for a Tuesday morning.  I am leaving for work shortly but I just wanted to share some things.

It has been nearly a week since the Harmon Family has lost the beautiful Elyse Knox.  There had been several Google alerts and discussions of support and condolences since then.  You can still contribute to Lang Foundation (the animal adoption organization) in Mrs. Harmon’s name.  I have yet to do it but I will.

Another discussion on the state of Sean Murray’s Health appeared on IMDB in the last couple of days which sparked off a disagreement.  The Author of the thread and subsequent people who are supporting them need to remember that while they are indeed entitled to opinions on things their suppositions, assumptions based on what they see and not what they have read doesn’t mean they should express these things.  This sense of entitlement that we have to judge or criticize a star  based on lack of information doesn’t make us fans it makes us pathetic stalkers.


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