Is the CBS Yahoo list abusing its power?
location : United States, Connecticut, Milford mood : aggravated I just wanted send a quick note before going off to bed, I have been watching the NCIS marathon and the one that’s currently on is Faith . I am not sure how long I will be able to stay up as it is getting late. Earlier this evening I replied to a post on the CBS Yahoo NCIS list regarding last week’s episode. A few hours later I received an email informing me the me ssage was not approved because I made references to the Natalie Wood case. Have to admit my first reaction to SOTF was a bit harsh due to the Timing but I had an opportunity to watch it this weekend (even with The super-buffering and stalling) and found it very enjoyable. the Initial interrogation was a bit spooky as it could have happened in RL for him. I was asked to please revise and resubmit. It annoyed me because of the tone but I succumbed to it. have to admit my first reaction to SOTF was a bit...